Yesterday I spent the day painting my house,  it was  a sunny day, so I decided to take advantage of that.  Painting my house not only makes the house look good, but it makes me feel good as well, got a little exercise, fresh air, and the satisfaction from completing the task at hand.  Then  after dinner my husband and I went for a walk to a nearby pond to see what we could see usually there are ducks, sometimes herons, but yesterday there weren't anything there but we saw 3 deer during our walk so that was something to be thankful for.  


Ways to Lose Weight Fast

Lose weight in 7 simple steps.  

1  Reduce or Eliminate Refined Carbohydrates- these are usually highly process items that come in a box  like cookies, chips.  They are high in fat, sugar, have a long ingredient list usually with things you can't even pronounce.  Stay away from these both for the sake of weight loss and also for your health.  Sure they taste great- but what would you rather have something that taste great but causes illness /disease, or something that taste great that is healthy and helps you lose weight.  The choice of course is always your to make.

2.  Eat a Protein (Preferably a plant-based protein- like beans, lentils), Healthy Fat (nuts, seeds), Whole Grain   6 oz. a day(like rice, quinoa, oats) and Vegetables and Fruits.  Eat a variety of foods at each meal.  You want to eat protein to preserve  your muscle mass,  it also  reduces cravings and snacking by helping you feel full and satisfied. Healthy fats like avocadoes, nuts, seeds, are great choices but you needs to limit the amount you eat, but you must have some fat in your diet to maintain good health.    Vegetables- aim to eat about 2.5 cups a day, can be a salad, raw, or cooked, just be sure to add a good variety of leafy greens, tomatoes, green beans, onions, the list is long. and about 2 cups of fruit a day. Remember that things like squash, and potatoes that are higher in carbs are treated like a grain when there on your plate.

3   Eat more fiber rich foods, these the plant-based foods like vegetable, fruit, legumes, whole grains, nuts and seeds.   Just a reminder there is no fiber in any animal products whether it be from meat, or dairy.  Fiber helps you feel fuller, slows down rate of absorption so that the blood sugar levels will not spike, and promotes regularity all of which help control against chronic conditions like Diabetes.

4   Eat Mindfully- this is done by eating without distractions, like the tv being on.  It also includes eating your food more slowly, it helps to put your fork down between bites.  Your brain needs about 20 minutes to tell your body that it has had enough food- so the slower you eat, the less you will eat.

5.  Drink lots of water.  This is a great way to feel less hungry - so drink water throughout the day, but especially before a meal.  It also good at removing the waste from the body.  Your body is composed of about 70-80% of water so you needs water to help your body and brain to function properly, not to mention helps with weight loss.  That's the goal isn't it? Don't say I'll drink a diet soda- it's been proven over and over again that diet soda actually makes you gain weight not lose it!

6. Exercise - move your body.  Cardio is great (walking, jogging, swimming) also add in a little Resistance or Weight training.  Not only is it good for the physical,  but also mental -reduces stress, helps the brain to think clearly. I can hear you now I don't like exercise, well do something that includes movement, take dog walk, dance, work in the yard,   It doesn't have to be hard just enjoyable!

7.  Get plenty of sleep- not only does it help the body, but it also helps us stay more mindful of our weight loss.  Because when were tired we tend not to make good choices,  So we eat food we wouldn't have if we were thinking clearly.  Strive for at least seven hours of sleep a night- the best way to do that is go to bed by 10:00 p.m. each night.


 Inspirational Quote "Believe you can and you're  halfway there."  Theodore Roosevelt


 If you would like to have a Revive and Rebuild Your Health Jumpstart Strategy Call To Schedule a call click here





Peggy Smitherman
Eating Matters